Updated on March 6, 2023

Last week, Rent Responsibly hosted a record number of attendees at our Winter 2022 RR Summit – 1,820, to be precise. Many of you reading this newsletter for the first time are receiving it because you joined us there last week – thank you, and welcome! (Recordings and recap materials below).

Alexa Nota

‘Twas the night before the Summit, when all through our Slack
RR staff was stirring, Lindsey our quarterback
The sessions were prepped for the event with care
In hopes that thousands soon would be there

Then 9 a.m. on the dot, there arose such a clatter
Dave Krauss kicked us off – with an attendee record we did shatter
Off through two days we flew, eyes and notebooks wide
Jenna and Tanya tore open the chat boards and threw up the slides

From operations and tech with WheelhouseDTravel, and Operto
to travel trends and forecasts with Key Data and Vrbo
and preventative care and safety with ProperBreezeway, and NoiseAware
Everything hosts need to manage their STRs with care

And the upcoming regulations, we mus’n’t forget
But in community partnerships, the more power we get
So too in diversity and inclusivity, shared Mateo, Damon, and Neely
Said Anthony of hosting the military, there’s big dollars – really

But that wasn’t all, there was more yet to address
With Dana and Alexa, clearing clutter to make way for success
Our ideas and to-do lists full, opportunities prime,
Last, Tommy’s live workshop helped us reclaim precious time

Like Santa’s elves Christmas Day, we took a moment for snoozing
To rest up for the next Summit and our community’s renewing
So from all of Team RR, we say with lots of joy and cheer,
Happy Holidays to all, and to all a great year!

Rent Responsibly Holiday Party

RR Summit Replays & Recaps

Thank you for joining over 10 hours of education-packed sessions! These recordings will empower you to apply the tools, knowledge, and mental mindset to make the most of 2023.

From proactive prevention to community partnerships, travel trends, and how to optimize operations, watch the RR Summit replays to hear it firsthand.

Written Recaps Now Available for Select Sessions

+ 2023 Traveler Trends: Is turbulence in the forecast?
+ Active Inclusivity = Smart Business
+ The Next Wave of Regulations Coming in 2023

More written digests coming soon!

Rent Responsibly Holiday Party
Recordings Available Here: RR Summit Winter 2022


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