Updated on July 10, 2024

The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.

– Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games

I’ve always loved the Olympics, but I love them even more here at Rent Responsibly. Now a tradition amongst our team, we hold our own Office Olympics every time the cauldron is lit, summer and winter. 

In our version, everyone creates their own “event” with a physical activity goal and competes against themselves. Physical does not have to mean athletic, just something that gets us moving in a healthy way. Past events have included everything from yoga to HIIT boot camps to running a marathon over the course of a week to wrestling to evening stretch routines. 

Each of us also picks our own “anthem” to build a Games playlist. We host opening and closing ceremonies, we track and share our progress, and everyone gets a personalized gold medal and some limited-edition sporty RR swag.

The purpose of our competition is not to battle one another or set outrageous records (though someone could totally set their sights on the latter). The purpose is simply to dedicate time to our personal wellness in a fun and challenging way, most importantly as a team

Long-time subscribers may remember our newsletter after the Summer 2021 Games, while the world was still in the depths of Covid despite the year’s delay. That summer, the International Olympic Committee approved a change to the organization’s 126-year-old motto, Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger). They added what we think is the most important word: Communiter – Together.

That’s what the Rent Responsibly community is here for: moving forward together. So, this year, we invite you to participate in Office Olympics with us! See more details and RSVP here inside the RR Network (login required – join for free here).

All “events” and goals are welcome! As the founder of the modern Games said, “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part.”

P.S. Rent Responsibly has a new spot open on our gold-medal team! Check out our latest job opening here.

Alexa Nota,
COO and Co-Founder of Rent Responsibly

    **NOW HIRING:**

    Apply to join Team Rent Responsibly as our new Community Support Coordinator

    Join us in welcoming two new alliances to the RR Network! If you’re in New Mexico or the Denver metro area and haven’t yet joined your local STR community, now’s the perfect time.


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