STR Industry Survey 2024

Your Voice Matters. Help us with this brief survey before April 14 and enter to win $500!

Please share your insight in this anonymous survey, which will cover:
+ Questions about your properties and hosting practices
+ The jobs and economic benefits you bring to your town
+ Your take on local regulations

Take the Survey Now >>>

To thank you for taking the survey, upon completion, you can **enter to win a grand prize of $250 for you and $250 to a local sustainability cause of your choice**

The State of the STR Industry Study surveys owners and managers of whole-home short-term rentals in the US. The survey is open to any inventory size, from a homeowner with a guest house to a property manager with 1,000+ listings.

In addition to the resulting 2024 State of the STR Industry Report coming out in June, results will help:
+ Create positive industry PR, misconception correction, and narrative building
+ Provide intelligence to guide the creation of education, tools, and other resources
+ Support alliances’ strategic decision-making, advocacy efforts, and collaboration with their governments
+ Support advocacy messaging and the development of fair and effective regulations, including a model policy

Take the Survey Now >>>

The event is finished.


Apr 01 - 14 2024


8:00 am - 11:55 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Apr 01 - 14 2024
  • Time: 8:00 am - 11:55 pm

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