Inspire and Ignite: Stoke Your Team’s Fire and Avoid Burnout
It is a common struggle for leaders to rally their troops into action. It can feel like your group’s members are not taking the next step even after they raise their hands and volunteer ideas. Participation can vary from taking the reins and pouring themselves into the role, while others sit back and watch without participating. As a leader, this can be frustrating and discouraging, especially when the brunt of the work falls on the shoulders of a few when more could be accomplished if everyone pitched in. If this is something you’ve experienced, you are not alone.
If you’re a leader who wants to learn more about getting your group’s members engaged, excited and inspired to take action, Inspire and Ignite is for you.
This live and interactive virtual event is a part of our Leadership Seminar Series, an opportunity to gather with other passionate and dedicated leaders to learn from one another. We will break into small group discussions to share challenges we face in our leadership and tactics we use to successfully engage members. Then, we’ll gather for an insightful panel discussion packed full of concrete strategies and lessons learned. Ignite and Inspire promises to leave you recharged and reinvigorated.
Featured panelists:
• Debi Hertert, Host2Host
• Stephanie Short, America Succeeds
We look forward to seeing you there!
Debi Hertert - Host2Host
Stephanie Short - America Succeeds