Updated on June 1, 2024

Hello, partners!

As we head into June, we are nearing the finish line on the upcoming SSTRI Report, and I’ve got a few more details for you.

What’s Next with the State of the STR Industry Report

As a reminder, this initiative takes the place of a spring RR Summit. All partners are automatically listed as sponsors of the research.

All of you have now received more than 2,200 opted-in contacts, including 80 – 200+ warm leads! You’ll find the contact list in a new tab in your Inbound Lead Report spreadsheet, which is bookmarked at the top of our Slack Connect channel with you. The contacts at the top in green are the leads who filled out the post-survey opt-in form and specifically requested more information from you.

If you shared your unique link promoting the survey, you now also have the raw data from your tracked respondents. Please note: This data must remain confidential and for your company’s internal use only prior to the final report’s publication.

Remaining Timeline:

Week of June 3:

  • Report drafting and editing continued

Week of June 10:

  • Report finalization

Week of June 17:

  • Early embargoed access to the draft
  • Public release: June 18
  • Results webinar: June 20

Week of June 24:

  • Delivery of report download contacts + leads
  • Delivery of webinar registrant contacts + leads

Week of July 1 and Beyond:

  • Continued promotion of the report and follow-on assets


+ REMINDER: Join or refresh your content in the Feed Your Mind Series!

The Feed Your Mind program is a series of lunch-and-learns we host with alliances featuring you, our partners! We’ve created a menu of rinse-and-repeat topics in your areas of expertise to make it easy for alliances to book and host member events with you – without you and your team having to create a presentation from scratch each time.

These events are consistently some of our most popular amongst alliance leaders and their members and strong lead generators for you.

So, if you haven’t yet signed up to participate in this program, now is a great time to get onboarded! And if you have been participating for a while, now is also a great time to refresh your content. If you’d like to do either, email me (Alexa) and I’ll get you connected with our alliance team to get started.


As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

– Alexa

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