Updated on March 6, 2023

“Simplicity boils down to two things: identify the essential and eliminate the rest.” 

– Leo Babauta

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2023 is fast approaching, and we’ve got big things to accomplish next year. I bet you do, too.

But before we can set new goals, face new challenges, and take advantage of new opportunities, we must create space for them.

That’s one of the things we’ll be talking about at our upcoming RR Summit: Navigating Emerging Opportunity: clearing the clutter to make way for success. Clutter sneaks up on you, and not just the crap on your desk. Files on your desktop, emails, calendar appointments, chores, phone apps – even emotions, fears, and self-doubts. Like sand finding its way into the smallest of openings, non-essentials fill our world without us realizing it.

As 2022 winds down and the holidays approach, now is the perfect time to get rid of whatever’s encumbering you and make space for better things: inner calm, joy, learning, time with family and friends, creativity, pet snuggles, deep thinking, not doing a dang bit o’ nothin’.

As our co-founder Dave has been saying like a mantra recently, “Saying no to something is saying yes to something else.”  

⌚  Say no to doubts and apathy to create your “25th hour of the day”
💬  Say no to ineffective communication and inefficiencies to invest more time in your employees
🛡️  Say no to unnecessary calls to take up the call of advocacy
🚩  Say no to risky guests to save space for great ones
🌱  Say no to wasteful products and processes to make your space in this world more green

Navigating Emerging Opportunity will have plenty of just that – new opportunities – so in preparation this month, we’re asking ourselves: What’s it time to say no to now to say yes to something better in 2023?

If you’re doing the same, we’d love to hear what clutter you’re clearing! Let us know in our private Facebook group, where you might also find an accountability buddy.


Happy spacemaking

Alexa Nota
COO & Co-Founder


Check out the many national and local events hosted throughout the short-term rental community. Incase you couldn’t join us, you can also take a peek at our webinar replays and recaps. 

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