Updated on June 30, 2023

June 27, exactly 300 days from Earth Day 2024, Rent Responsibly is kicking off a company-wide challenge to adopt more sustainable habits and practices. The challenge encourages and equips teammates to take three steps toward sustainability every month for 300 days. 

“Sustainability has long been one of our values,” said Dave Krauss, Co-Founder and CEO of Rent Responsibly. “Inspired by the amazing takeaways from RR Summit: People, Places, Planet, we decided to double down on our commitment in a fun and unique way that’s accessible to our fully remote team.”

Steps taken may be things like:

  • Adopting a new habit (e.g. turning off lights when leaving a room)
  • Abstaining from an old habit (e.g. no longer using plastic straws)
  • One-time swaps from an unsustainable option to a sustainable one (e.g. switching from plastic grocery bags to reusable totes)

Rent Responsibly also recently became a member of 1% for the Planet and a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration

Founded by Yvon Chuinard (founder of Patagonia), 1% for the Planet pairs businesses with approved environmental partners, creating high-impact partnerships that amplify the impact of members’ giving. Business members join the network by committing to donate the equivalent of 1% of gross sales through a combination of monetary, in-kind, and approved promotional support directly to Environmental Partners. 

As a part of the 3×300 Challenge, Rent Responsibly enables its team to volunteer for a 1% for the Planet environmental partner during work hours.

The Glasgow Declaration is “a catalyst for increased urgency about the need to accelerate climate action in tourism and to secure strong actions and commitment to support the global goals to halve emissions over the next decade and reach Net Zero emissions as soon as possible before 2050.”

Glasgow Declaration Logo

The company will measure its emissions and other elements of carbon footprints using Giki Zero, in which the team will also track steps the team has completed and average footprint reduction. Rent Responsibly’s starting average footprint is 14,183 kg per person. To reach the 2030 average footprint of 2,500 kg necessary to limit global warming to 1.5o C, each team member will need to reduce his or her carbon output by about 1,700 kg per year.

“Our team is enthusiastically committed to these essential outcomes for our planet and global community, but as with everything we do, the more people who participate, the more success we can reach together,” said Alexa Nota, Rent Responsibly’s COO. “We invite the rest of the short-term rental community and broader tourism industry to join in 3×300 with us.”

Other companies and tourism professionals can join in the full 3×300 Challenge and track footprints and steps with Giki Zero, or simply participate casually and share your efforts on social media. To learn more, follow Rent Responsibly on LinkedIn or email info@rentresponsibly.org.



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